The information on this website may be a little out of date so please be sure to check out our new wesbsite What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of extremely fine pre-sterilised needles into predetermined points on the body’s surface to restore health. It can be used alone or combined with other forms of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) including:
Moxibustion Electro-Acupuncture Dietary and lifestyle advice Tui Na Massage Herbal Medicine Cupping Therapy
All acupuncture needles used are single use (one needle per point), sterile and disposable. The use of acupuncture and TCM is entirely safe and free from harmful side effects.
The World Health Organization lists the following conditions which respond well to acupuncture:
Acne, allergies, anaemia, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, back pain, facial paralysis, constipation, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, depression, digestive and bowel disorders, eczema, hay fever, hypertension, indigestion, insomnia, impotence, infertility, menopause, M.E., migraine and headaches, menstrual disorders, muscle and joint problems, nervous problems, oedema, palpitations, PMS, rheumatism, sciatica, sinusitis, sport injuries, stress, stomach disorders, tinnitus, urogenital disorders.
Clinic Times and Pricing Appointments available Monday through Saturday.
€50 for neuromuscular therapy, one hour €50 for massage therapy, one hour €50 for acupuncture follow up, one hour €50 for Reiki, one hour €30 for half hour therapy session €70 for ninety minute therapy session
For more information, for a free consultation or to book an appointment, call Liam on 086 408 2428 or email [email protected].