It is definitely cold and flu weather again. Most people who regularly have acupuncture or who practice yoga will experience far less of these annoying symptoms. People training with Joe Pilates were also famous for being particularly resistant to colds and flus. So what's the secret?
Acupuncture stimulates a response from your bodies immune system, thereby strengthening it. The tiny pin-prick which you hardly feel is nevertheless registered by your bodies immune system, fortifying it in cold and damp weather. Pilates and yoga work with movement of the body, thereby causing the flow of lymph around the body and giving you an immune system boost. Yoga particularly, because of the inverted postures has a particularly beneficial effect. For more info, don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected] Liam B.
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AuthorLiam Byrne, Yoga & Pilates Instructor, Acupuncturist, Physical Therapist, Sports Massage Therapist, Archives
January 2016