In recent years, particularly since the MBT revolution and the popularity of power walking, many companies have begun to claim that the design of their trainer will actually tone up your legs, buns/glutes just be wearing them while walking. The claim by Reeboks Easytone trainer has been refuted by the ASA but this doesn't take away from the fact that so many people are still looking for a way to get that extra burn in those particular areas. I love my MBTs, although I haven't really used them in a while and I can't say anything one way or the other about the Reebok Easytone, however, what I do know is that certain yoga and Pilates exercises are super effective for targeting these areas. Particularly in these snowbound days when a power walk really isn't an option.
So which poses are best to tone up the glutes in particular? Well, most variations of the Locust pose will do this. Lying face down, lift and stretch your legs away behind you and hold for 3 to 10 breaths. You can do one leg at a time if you want. Chair pose or Awkward Pose are two more which strengthen legs and tone glutes. Pilates Leg Pull Prone with leg lifts is also a powerful strengthener for the glutes. Of course the best way to learn these exercises is from a trained and qualified instructor and every new exercise regime should be discussed with your health practitioner. Enjoy the snow and don't forget to tone up and burn those glutes the holistic way! Comments are closed.
AuthorLiam Byrne, Yoga & Pilates Instructor, Acupuncturist, Physical Therapist, Sports Massage Therapist, Archives
January 2016